703-915-1369 Realshep@imednova.com


The IQS device is used to measure electrical impulses in the body – often referred to as “electrodermal dialogue”. Electrical currents are obtained through the skin at Acupuncture points on the hand. IQS queries the body’s “natural intelligence,” and records yes and no answers to questions posed by the practitioner and the IQS. The IQS records information about your overall health, allowing your BioSet practitioner to address your specific health needs. The IQS has been developed to work specifically to identify sensitivities to food and other substances, as well as remedies to correct imbalances caused by allergies/sensitivities.

BioSET®  Bioenergetic Sensitivity and Enzyme Therapy is an innovative healing system that incorporates acupressure, energy medicine, immunology, enzyme therapy, and nutrition to assist the body’s natural healing process. The BioSET® system encompasses three branches of healing to reduce and/or eliminate allergies!

  • Organ-specific detoxification
  • Enzyme therapy, including nutrition and proper diet
  • A revolutionary, noninvasive acupressure technique for eliminating food and environmental sensitivities


What are food and environmental sensitivities? 
Whether the substance is toxic, such as exhaust fumes or chemicals, or nontoxic, such as food or pollen, those who suffer from sensitivities will react when exposed to amounts of these substances that are harmless to most people.

How do I know if I have a food sensitivity?
A sensitivity as an abnormal, adverse physical reaction to certain substances, commonly known as allergens.

Once cleared, will the sensitivity ever come back? 
Once your body is desensitized from a certain substance or food, you will be able to expose yourself to or eat moderate amounts of it and have no reaction. However, if large amounts of the substance are taken in, your body may redevelop the sensitivity.

How will I be tested for sensitivities? 
There are two ways a practitioner can test for sensitivities. The first is muscle testing, and the second is by way of an electronic, or IQS, device.

  1. Muscle Testing, also known as applied kinesiology, can be used to discover sensitivities in the body. During a basic test, the person can either lie down or sit up. The facilitator pushes against the patient’s arm to establish the basic strength of his/her muscle, the “indicator muscle.” The patient holds different substances and the facilitator pushes down on the muscle for each substance as the patient tries to resist. If the patient is sensitive to a substance, the muscle becomes noticeably weaker and is easier to push down.
  2. Electronic Testing (IQS)
    Since their creation more than a century ago, electronic devices have been used successfully to accurately diagnose and treat patients. To perform an electronic test, the patient holds a brass handle in one hand and a metal probe is placed against acupressure points on the hands and feet. An IQS machine causes little to no discomfort because there are no needles and the skin is not punctured. The practitioner charges specific acupuncture points with approximately 1 volt of direct current. A reading is taken for each point along particular meridians. The readings show the practitioner if there are any irritations (or blockages) to the flow of electricity that often signify sensitivities to substances being tested.

How will I be cleared of a sensitivity? 
Once a blockage is identified, your practitioner will use acupressure or a modified chiropractic technique to stimulate points on your spine that activate the areas of the body where energy is blocked. The stimulation of these areas tends to balance the electromagnetic fields of the body in relation to the allergen. This effectively reprograms the brain almost immediately to stop identifying this substance as an allergen. In essence, the body is taught to have a different response. Upon clearing, you will be tested again to make sure the treatment was successful. Once successful, your practitioner may perform additional acupressure or acupuncture on several other specific points on the body, balancing meridians to secure the treatment.

Are there certain foods that are known to cause sensitivities?
You can develop a sensitivity to ANY food or substance, but some of the most common sensitivities are derived from the following:

  • Dairy products
  • Wheat
  • Sugars and carbohydrates
  • Eggs
  • Soy products
  • Fats
  • Grains
  • Peanuts
  • Plants in the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes and peppers
  • Seafood
  • Chocolate, caffeine and coffee
  • Spices
  • Food additives
  • Minerals
  • Flouride

How do I prepare for a treatment? 
Depending on your condition, your practitioner may want you to do specific things such as fasting or eliminating parts of your diet. In general, however, there is nothing you need to do to prepare for a treatment.

What can I do at home to prolong clearing effects? 
It’s important to take a digestive enzyme with most meals, as well as to choose the appropriate diet for your specific food sensitivities.

Are there products that I’ll need to purchase? 
Your practitioner will probably suggest that you take digestive enzymes as well as enzyme supplements beneficial for your specific conditions. Your practitioner may also suggest that you make dietary changes.

Can I still take my prescription medication along with the BioSET® products? 
Yes! Your practitioner should never suggest you stop taking a prescription medication. They may, however, suggest you talk to your prescribing physician, as you may be able to decrease or discontinue use after desensitization.

What is detoxification and how is it performed? 
Detoxification is a natural beginning to any healing process. It aids the function of your immune system by clearing toxins from the cells and tissues, skin, lungs and most importantly, the digestive tract. Relief from food allergies and environmental sensitivities means learning about the process of detoxification and making important changes in your lifestyle. Even small changes can go a long way toward helping to cleanse your digestive system. There are several things you can do at home to detoxify your body and remove substances and situations that are causing toxicities in your life.

Fasting helps the body resist disease, infection and toxins. It frees up energy and gives the body an opportunity to return to its natural state of homeostasis. During a fast, the body produces new, healthy cells to replace those that are old and depleted.

Your practitioner may recommend consuming only liquids one day each week or three days each month. In order to get the most out of your juices, it is best to make them yourself and use as much organically grown produce as possible.

Your practitioner may recommend the following for your diet:

  • Locally grown foods.
  • Whole foods that have not been processed.
  • Pure filtered water.

Your practitioner may ask you to avoid:

  • Highly processed foods, sugar, alcohol and refined carbohydrates.
  • Caffeine, an addictive substance that inhibits the body’s natural ability to detoxify.
  • Excessive salt.
  • Artificial sweeteners, food additives and food coloring.
  • Foods that have been sprayed with pesticides and fungicides, which are carcinogenic and toxic.
  • Or, reduce or eliminate dairy, red meats, poultry or fish.

Lack of exercise causes toxins to build up in our bodies. Studies have shown that exercise can speed up the removal of toxins and waste materials and increase the flow of nutrients carrying blood to every cell.

Your practitioner may recommend breathing exercises. The more air we breath, the healthier we are. The delivery of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide determines the efficient functioning of all our body systems. The body cannot cleanse itself, heal itself or maintain life without the oxygen supplied from breathing. The motion of respiration mechanically pumps lymphatic fluid and increases circulation. As you go through an active and stressful day, remember to periodically take a deep breath and release it slowly to get the detoxifying benefits of breathing.

Cleansing the primary detoxification organs—the liver and the colon
Your practitioner may recommend that you take a good digestive enzyme and a good probiotic to support sufficient digestion of your foods and maintain a healthy microbial balance in your colon. A healthy colon is of utmost importance in detoxification.
Ultimately, good digestion is the key to good colon health. Along with chewing your food well, eating a balanced diet and drinking enough pure water, your colon should begin to detoxify and remain healthy.

Your practitioner may recommend an herbal enzyme formula to stimulate liver detoxification. Other methods to stimulate liver detoxification include minimizing protein intake, using only small amounts of unsaturated fats, eating foods such as garlic, onions and broccoli, reducing refined sugar and eating moderately bitter green vegetables like endive, collards, dock and dandelion.

Your practitioner may recommend that you take a series of homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic detoxification preparations stimulate cells to release toxic residue. Once this process occurs, the body will begin to filter out this residue through the liver and colon. After the elimination process is complete, most people feel an increase in energy, a heightened feeling of well-being and a greater resistance to illness.

What is an Enzyme? 
An enzyme is a protein that attaches to and speeds the digestion or breakdown of substances such as food. Enzymes are present in every cell in both plants and animals and are responsible for regulating the biochemical reactions necessary to sustain life. The human body is actually a series of thousands of enzymatic reactions that occur constantly.

What are the different types of enzymes? 
Enzymes are typically divided into three categories—metabolic, digestive and food-based, and each has a specific job within the body.

Metabolic enzymes are found in the cells of our bodies and help with nutrient processing and tissue maintenance. These are the enzymes responsible for muscle movement and organ function. Typically, when an enzyme from this group is missing, disease is severe. However, most of these enzymes cannot be replaced by taking a typical enzyme supplement. Metabolic enzymes exist within a cell and supplements do not cross the cellular membrane.

Digestive enzymes are those that are secreted by the pancreas and small intestine, and they can be supplemented to improve digestion. These enzymes break food into smaller pieces that can be more easily absorbed by the body for fuel. Digestive enzymes can help relieve gastrointestinal problems, as well as boost immune function.

Food-based enzymes are found in raw foods. Fruits, vegetables and even meat have enzymes that assist the body with the breakdown of food in the digestive tract. Heating foods above 118 degrees, as well as processing, usually destroys enzymes. Supplemental digestive enzymes help to replace those food enzymes.

What do the different digestive enzyme supplements do? 
In a digestive enzyme supplement there are a variety of enzymes. The most common are protease, amylase, lipase and cellulase. All digestive enzymes fall into one of these categories and each breaks down only specific substances. This is why it’s important to take a broad-spectrum digestive enzyme supplement.

  • Protease breaks down proteins.
  • Amylase breaks down carbohydrates and starches.
  • Lipase breaks down fats.
  • Cellulase breaks down fiber in fruits and vegetables.

What’s the difference between a plant enzyme and a pancreatic enzyme? 
Plant-based enzymes are from foods such as pineapple or papaya. Generally, they are stronger than pancreatic enzymes, so you only have to take one or two capsules of plant-based enzymes versus six or seven capsules of pancreatic enzymes.

Plant-based enzymes do a better job of digesting food because they are active for longer periods of time during digestion, thus reducing stress on the body. Pancreatic enzymes are only active at certain times during the digestive process, so they do not digest food as completely as plant-derived enzymes. They also pose a problem for vegetarians because they are derived from animal organs.

Do I need to take enzymes even if I take vitamin and mineral supplements? 
The beneficial ingredients in most vitamins and herbal supplements are not available for use by the body until they are released through digestion. There is substantial evidence that enzyme supplements can enhance the nutritional value of vitamin, mineral or herbal dietary supplements.