I was already a registered nurse since 1973, and adding Chinese Medicine to my Western medical background was an important step in my emerging practice of multiple paradigms integrated into one practice, known as Integrative Medicine.
I graduated from Chinese Herbology school in 2003 and added this amazing way of providing these incredible herbs to my practice. I then apprenticed with Dr Guo., a master herbalist, for five years and developed my Chinese medical skills. I then studied and integrated the practice of homeopathy into my work, as well as allergy elimination, functional endocrinology, applied kinesiology, biomedical nutrition, and hormone balancing.
I recently passed my boards and am now a Nurse Practitioner which will allow me to continue providing the upmost care for my clients. My specialties are endocrinological issues like: hypothyroidism, diabetes, auto-immune conditions and hormone imbalances.
I am embracing growth, transformation and integration with other leading edge practitioners in my pursuit of the best health care possible for every patient. I am pioneering in personalized medicine, and I consider myself to be a partner in my patient’s journey. I think every disease and form of suffering is an opportunity to heal and grow as a human being. My patients are my greatest teachers, and I will never stop learning.
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