Get to the Root of Your Health Issues

Learn more about functional medicine in Reston, VA

Chronic disease can make life inconvenient at best and almost debilitating at worst. Let Integrative Medicine of Northern VA help you create a customized chronic disease treatment plan in Reston, VA.

We specialize in functional medicine, which focuses on the underlying causes of suffering and disease while improving the resulting symptoms. Diagnoses are based on clinical signs, lab tests, health history, lifestyle, genetics and current circumstances. Some conditions that tend to respond well to functional medicine include:

Thyroid-related issues



Erectile dysfunction

Chronic pain



We test and treat for all of the above and more.

A woman is sitting at a table eating a salad.

What does functional medicine involve?

Functional medicine utilizes numerous paradigms of health care to provide a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan. Chronic disease treatments can include:

  • Western medicine
  • Chinese medicine like acupuncture and herbs
  • Homeopathy
  • Nutrition improvement
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Prescribed medication
  • Supplements

Contact us today to see if functional medicine would be right for you.

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