Aricular Medicine

The following information about Auricular Medicine is provided as helpful background information.

Auricular Medicine is an integration of Auricular (ear) Acupuncture, Homeopathy, and VAS Pulse Bio-Feedback. Each component was significantly developed over the past 60 years.

Dr. Nogier, a French doctor, developed a sophisticated system of ear acupuncture. He discovered correspondences between specific sites on the ear with body parts and body functions. The Chinese knew about the ear, but in a very limited way. The Chinese did not understand the Nervous System or the Endocrine System. The ear has many unique acupuncture points for brain function and endocrine gland function, as well as, hundreds of points related to organs, joints, limbs, and the sense organs.

Auricular Acupuncture directly affects the brain through the reticular system, and then affects the entire nervous system as well. This is a new approach. Standard Chinese Acupuncture does not work this way. In Auricular Acupuncture the ear points act like requests made to the brain, to take effective action, like reduce pain or inflammation, or calm down nausea. The ear points seem to modulate body functions.

There are numerous points in the ear that are unique. For example, there is a point that affects the Corpus Callosum a part of the brain that allows the left brain and the right brain to communicate. I do not know of any acupuncture point on the body that does that. There are also several very effective pain relief points like the Cingulate Gyrus, Thalamus, and Omega 2 that have no corresponding points on the body.

There are also ear points like the liver that have numerous corresponding points on the body.

Today, Auricular (ear) Acupuncture is often practiced without needles. Electrical stimulation, pellets and magnets are often substituted for needles. Needles are also used, but they are special needles developed for the ear.

Because the ear is very sensitive, it is possible to diagnose many conditions using ear points. Pain or electrical activity at the ear points is also very useful diagnostically. Auricular Medicine is a sophisticated means of using the ear points and energetic filters to measure the body’s reaction to numerous testing samples. When there is a pulse change, called the Vagus Autonomic Signal (VAS pulse), this indicates the energetic filter (testing sample) affected the body’s autonomic nervous system. Allergies, Food Insensitivities, Heavy Metals, Bacterial and Viral Infections can often be detected using this approach.

Once the dysfunction, allergy or virus is discovered homeopathic remedies are tested using the ear points and the VAS pulse. When a positive response is obtained, the remedy that will help the condition is identified using the autonomic nervous system and the VAS pulse.

Auricular Medicine is so useful because the information comes from feedback from the patient’s own body. In the diagnostic process much information is gathered, for example: vertebra that need adjusting, the origin of the pain source, hidden allergies, heavy metals, viral and bacterial infections, fungus and yeast infections, and numerous organ dysfunctions.

People that cannot tolerate needles love Auricular Medicine and Auricular Acupuncture. The electrical stimulation does not hurt.

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